Over $1200 Raised for Luke's Beach Wheelchair via Dreams Come True
The UFO Head Office made contact with Dreams Come True, a registered charity with the mission of bringing joy to children who are terminally or seriously ill by making their treasured dreams come true.
We decided to raise funds towards the cost of a dream for a 9 year old boy called Luke, who has Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. Luke is a full time wheelchair user and has been in hospital for the past 2 summers and has undergone 5 lots of surgery in the past 18 months. Luke tries really hard to overcome his difficulties with a positive attitude. He attends mainstream school and has lots of friends who accept him for who he is and not what he can do. Luke's dream is to have a beach wheelchair so that he can enjoy the sand at the seaside, go fishing in rock pools, join his family when they go exploring in the woods - something he has never been able to do as his everyday wheelchair tips up with any slight change of terrain.
UFO Members raised GB £1000 towards buying Luke a beach wheelchair by holding a raffle at our 2010 Annual Meeting