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UFO Holds First Virtual 1-2-1 Meeting Week

14th August 2020

UFO Holds First Virtual 1-2-1 Meeting Week
UFO Holds First Virtual 1-2-1 Meeting Week

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen businesses implement flexible working practices including remote operations at a record rate in order to protect the workforce and provide business continuity.

Although everyone is anxious for the pandemic to be over, there is much uncertainty and new guidelines and protocols will continue for some time to come. This leaves companies adjusting to a new way of life.

To assist in this new situation, UFO has recently finished their first Virtual 1-2-1 Meeting Week (provided free of charge) where Members were able to book 30-minute meetings with each other to discuss existing and potential new business using their specially developed in-house Booking System.

A key feature of the system was being able to make notes against each meeting as well as one-to-one messaging so that Members could engage with each other before, during and after the Virtual 1-2-1 Meeting Week.

UFO President, Rachel Crawford said “We are aware that communication and connections are vital and want to ensure that UFO continues to evolve and provide its Members with a strong networking platform. Indeed, belonging to organisations like UFO could be essential to the survival of many independent forwarders over the coming years. We are delighted that our first virtual event went so well as video meetings are an excellent way to connect in the absence of our annual gatherings.”

Feedback from participants included:

"The innovative way of meetings and system is impressing which is interesting during the pandemic, it's very exciting to meet old friends and also made acquaintance with new friends.” Jetwell Logistics, China

“It was very important to take this opportunity to get to know the new agents and to greet those already known. After the meetings, we have already had requests that we haven't had in the past year.” Euro Cargo Express SRL, Italia

“Easily choose convenient time and space. Getting to know our agents much better by virtual meeting. As I got opportunity to see agents one on one virtually.” Crown Logistics, Kuwait

“Partners were on time and we broke the ice as we are new to UFO. We were able to discuss new businesses and follow ups have already started.” Platinum Shipping and Logistics, Ghana

UFO also provides online training and eZines which consist of helpful information and pointers on various topics. Recent issues include Holding Virtual 121 Meetings, Managing Flexible Work Arrangements and Working from Home.