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Raising funds for SOS Children's Villages Thailand

Since 1971, SOS Children's Villages Thailand have been helping children who have lost their parents in the form of long-term, family-like care.


The organisation believes that every child should grow up in a suitable environment and the ‘family’ is the best place. To help provide a happy childhood, they advocate for affording children who have missed out on the opportunity to be raised in their biological family a renewed chance to become part of a nurturing family unit once more.

How is SOS different from other similar organisations?

SOS Children's Villages Thailand cultivate a family-oriented environment for raising children, placing immense importance on each child's development and ensuring they grow into well-adjusted individuals. Their commitment spans the long term, guiding children from infancy to adulthood while providing them with the best possible education, enabling them to advance, pursue careers, and achieve self-sufficiency, ultimately leading fulfilling lives within society. Each child is nurtured by a devoted 'Mother' who shows them love and affection. SOS Mothers wholeheartedly embrace every child as an integral part of the SOS family, forging enduring bonds. Within the SOS family, boys and girls of diverse ages and backgrounds coexist harmoniously, fostering strong connections. The SOS family resides in the SOS Children's Village, an environment that fosters mutual support and care. Moreover, SOS Children's Villages form an integral part of their local communities, creating interdependence and reliance among one another.

How to help

During the booking process for our 21st Network Meeting, you will be asked which amount you would like to donate and this will be added to your Registration Fee invoice. To register your place, click here (UFO Members only).

For more details on SOS Children's Villages Thailand, please click here.

Note: SOS Children's Villages Thailand is a member of SOS Children's Villages International which has members in more than 130 countries around the world.